It is important to be yourself, but, more important to be yourself proudly.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Grand New...

One of my good friends has made a forum.  It's a new, budding site and needs members.  Knowing your memes always helps.  It has rules, mostly to ensure that everyone stays civil.  There's a nice debate section that probably needs some attention.
     The atmosphere is very chill, on the top it says, "A website for free thinkers".  This forum is known as:
stop start forward back
It can be found if you follow this nice, shiny link.  
      I urge anyone to check it out, thanks.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Family is Made of Word Salad

So I was making a glass of lemonade.
Jax was passing through near the kitchen and so I sought a second opinion.
"Hey, Jax!  Tell me what you think of this!"
 "I don't think." is his genius reply.
"Ok, How about you tell me how it tastes?" I implore.
A shrug, "OK."
He takes the lemonade from me and proceeds to...
...suck on the chopstick I was using to stir it with....
"Jax, that's not...a...straw..."I manage through my laughter "...that's...that's a.....chopstick!"
 I double over, spewing laughter.

So, I walk into the room where Ammamay's sitting on the couch.
"Momma, Jax sucked on my chopstick."
I can barely stifle my giggles.
She looks up at me, completely straight-faced, and asks me, "What was it doing on the floor?"

It's moments like this that make life worth living, isn't it?


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Top O' the Mornin'

     Well, as the flag hanging out in front of the porch of The Homestead so boldly pronounces to the world, I am "LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE IRISH".  That's right, folks! AG, the crazed Italian chick posting all over the interwebs, is also Irish
     So, St. Patty's Day has always been a bit of a big deal 'round these parts.  You go to bed in Green Clothing the night before, unless you'd like to be awakened(quite rudely, shall I add) by a pinch.  Green through the day and Green when you go to bed that night.
     I went to bed with a green shirt on and some red sock-monkey(think Nick&Nora*) PJ's(the monkeys have green scarves).   I stumble out of my room and slump onto the couch next to Emboo.  I'm still not quite awake yet.  She leans over** and pinches me

No joke.
She pinched me.  

     I pinch back.
....and get a very startled look from her "oh-so-innocent" face.  Her head whips back to shoot a questioning look at Jax.  "She's wearing green, Emboo."
"No, she's not," comes the "victim"
"Yes, she is," I return, holding out my shirt for inspection.   It turns out that it actually is green.
     Nami was even wearing a kelly green bow and bright green socks.***

Ok, enough of this.
To Business.
To this.

      It is Shepherd's Pie and it is delicious.  We substituted corn for the peas(they were gonna make me go out and buy peas.  In the rain.  Besides, I secretly wanted to use the corn in it.  I love corn. MWAHAHAHAHAAA.)
     The irony of the situation is, we had to eat this as a substitute to Corned Beef and Cabbage due to corned beef and cabbage being too expensive.  You may not know this, but Corned Beef and Cabbage started out as a luxury, but Irish consumption in the USA shot through the roof.  Because it was cheaper here.  Psha!
       Also, to breakfast!  Ammamay made bacon and eggs and hashed-brown potatoes with onions.  YUM~!
     After a long, lovely day, we watched THOR.  *ADJUSTS GLASSES* I'm more of a DC girl, myself, but I can honestly say that I liked it, Marvel and all.****
Happy St. Patty's day and may the Luck of the Irish be with you and yours.

*It has a jacket, which I had worn over my green shirt(although, it had green in it and wasn't exactly blocking my solid-green t-shirt)

**She's all decked out, man.  She's got a Green necklace(with shamrocks on it), an "Irish"(think "Leprechaun and Pot O' Gold") pony-tailor, an all-green shirt and Green-and-Black "Got Luck?" socks.

*** Thanks to Emboo.

****Spiderman, Iron Man and X-Men are my secret, secret exceptions for Marvel.  Ssshhhh!

Monday, March 12, 2012

AAAAAND now, more on Radios!(Right after this quick* Commercial Break.)

      I guess I have a bit of an unnatural love for my radios.  They are my "babies".  I guess I have this thing about music(free music, all the moreso!).  I have grown up with a radio.  I have developed some weird music tastes/preferences due to this.

For Instance;
     I like the "crunch" that you hear in FM radio.  I think it makes some songs sound better than if the band were playing the song right in front of me. This is not normal.  

     So, basically, little things like that influence my taste in music, advertisements, basically anything auditory.  I LOVE my radio, it is my pride and joy.  You might even be able to say that is was my friend growing up.  Some of my fondest memories revolve around radios.

     To me, music is necessary.  I need it to calm down sometimes.
Being an Aspie** has a lot of ups and down,  Just like being an NT***.   My ups and downs are a little bit different, though.  When I am overwhelmed, thinking becomes a bit of a problem for me.  When I am like that-too sad/mad/over-stimulated/sensory-deeprived, music helps to sooth me and to make me feel better.

And so, my radios are very prized possessions for me.

I have two radios.
One is a clock-radio that I keep nex to my bed.  The face of it glows, it glows so brightly that it would keep me awake if I didn't face it down every night, although there is a downside to doing that.  It is scratched, a mega-super-number-marring-scratch is on the face and lots of little scratches make it look almost like it's dirty!

     My other radio is portable and from the '70's.  My Gramma**** bought it from Radio Shack for around $7.00 and if it wasn't used it would be worth about five times that much***** on popular auction sites, but
I don't plan on selling it any time soon.  It is red and is supposed to be for emergencies. 
Like when the power goes out.******
Or I am DEAD BORED after class gets let out.
...well, I think you get the picture.
     I take very good care of them both(except when I'm sleeping, unfortunately).  I know most of my generation are all hopped up on iPods and stuff, but I'd take a good book and a good music station and be happy for about an eternity or two.


*LIES!(those breaks feel like they take hours, ugh)
**Aspie=person with Asperger's
***NT=neurotypical/relatively normal person
****Gramma=Ammamay's Mom
*****last time I checked, it was 36 or 37 dollars.
******There will one day be a post about this.  I swear it!