It is important to be yourself, but, more important to be yourself proudly.

Sunday, February 26, 2012



I *sniff* spent *sniff* Valentine's Day...alone.  Well, relatively alone.  You see - it was a school day, but I meant "alone" as in "sans Lol-y Boy", capisci?

     That is one of the unfortunate consequences in a long-distance relationship of neither involved party being able to get a ride or  get a license*.  I haven't even begun learning how to drive.  Can you say "stupid AG, what are you thinking?"
      Not that it's stupid to spend Valentine's Day alone, or that it's stupid to not know how to drive.  It's stupid for me  to not know how to drive because-
          a)I have younger siblings
          b)It's a long way to where my lover-boy lives
          c)I have to get to school early(very very early)in the morning
          d)It would help my parents like air helps paint dry. It can be done by other gasses, but it is much more convenient with air.

     See, only one of those was excessively selfish!

     I have started to pull my grades up(Thank goo'ness for the second semester!) so I will probably pick back up on my posting(yay!).  Since I mysteriously disappeared I have rearranged my room, caught up in school**, had a date, had a sleepover***, saw a play(that may have been before, actually), and had several brilliant ideas and exciting(ish) adventures(sort of).
More soon,
*.....yet. <cue evil laughter>
***With Blondie.  HEADS. OUT. OF. THA. GUTTER. PEOPLE.
PS-Several of my brilliant ideas were ideas for posts.  Which I wrote down. So that I would remember. *pats self on back*

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