It is important to be yourself, but, more important to be yourself proudly.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oh, Ruby, you shall have greatness...

...not that you really want it, my dear child with eyes that flame strange colors and an immeasruable sense of justice.

I got these questions off of my friend Nitz's blog*

1.) How do you feel about Ruby Nation thus far?

     I am really enjoying it, thank-you for asking.  I know that Ruby didn't do any brain-washy-stuff, so I am kind of curious to find out how THAT happened.(PTSD, anyone?)

2.) How do you feel about the ending of Chapter 2?

     Oh. Oh hey. Still curious about the amnesia stuff.  I really hope Elise is ok, 'cause those Apex people don't look really nice.  I am very interested to hear what happened to her as she was with them, because we know her way-back-story, but not any of the more recent stuff.

3.) How do you feel about the existence of the Ruby Nation Wiki/About Page?

     Oh, you vain, silly man.  I like your wiki(even the "NEW, EGOTISTICAL WIKI ENTRY").  I have found it to be a very handy reference guide.

4.) Do you have a favorite character so far? Why?

I still have a silly fan-crush on Jiro(Hyperspace, if you read this, be glad, all of your competition are fictional men who are notavailableanywaysoyeah) but I would prefer to be a girl-Jiro than date the guy-Jiro.  Maybe be a twin sister or something with all the same powers(I already have a lot of similarities defect-wise along with a lot of the personality "ups").  Ok, enough obsessing.  I also really like Alexis, but I liked her in Ruby's World.  She hasn't really been around as much here, yet, but I'm really looking forward to that.

5.) Do you have a least favorite character? Why?

Ratel.  She scares me more than Moray.  I guess that would make her more of a "most scary" rather than "least favourite".  I don't really know how else to answer that question.

6.) What would you like to see in the coming strips?

I want to see Elise's more recent history before the rescue.  I also want to see her smart her way out of this to prove that kindness and compassion do not equal stupidity or compliance(rar, Moray, I will wreck you like that guy who stole my pudding cup).

*Found here: Handi-CAPEable  

The first Book in Nitz's series.  Begin here, new readers. 

The Sequel to Ruby's World and the topic of this post. 


The Fair Mk 2


Remember the Gravitron?
Remember Lover Boy(now on known as Hyperspace)?

     Welp, he managed to get me onto the ride.  This may or may not have involved dragging me bodily through the gate(it did).  After half-frog-marching-half-carrying-me onto the ride, I actually enjoyed the ride.  It was after the ride that was a problem.

     You see, low blood pressure runs in my family*.  I happen to be affected by this.

     Riding the Gravitron made all of the blood(or at least more than the usual amount) rush to my head.  While the ride was going everything was SUPERB.  After it stopped, the world around me started losing color and I was having problems with that "standing up" thing you people tend to treat so casually.

Lying on my back for about a minute-and-a-half** cleared my head, though, so no real complaints.  I'd do it again, but only if I was absultely sure I was not dehydrated***, because I think I might have been teetering.  My tendancy to forget to be thirsty makes this even harder.  YAY!

     So, I avoided passing out, and got a kiss out of it, too.  For my bravery. Or something like that.


*Despite sounding very much like a bad thing(which it can be), it has perks, like salt. SALT, SALT EVERYWHERE!

**don't take my word for it, I'm terrible with telling time.

***I'm also Chronically Dehydrated. I would prefer the term "hydrophobic", but that makes me sound like a lipid, which I am not.  I think.